P&K 3781 (VDI 3781 2)
Stack height according to TA Luft Nomogram
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Any text can be entered here. It will appear in the report of the stack height calculation according to TA Luft.
Waste gas quantity [m3/h]
Exhaust volume rate of the waste gas after deduction of the dampness content in m3/h as parameters of the stack height according to TA Luft. -> select whether emission concentration or the mass flux of the substances is to be adjusted on changes of the waste gas quantity.
Temperature on the muzzle [°C]
Temperature of the waste gas on the stack muzzle in °C as parameters of the stack height according to TA Luft.
Muzzle diameter [m]
Internal diameter of the stack or the equivalent internal diameter of the cross-section area in meters as parameters of the stack height according to TA Luft.
Height of vegetation/building [m]
According to TA Luft the average height of the built-up existing development or, according to a development plan permissible development or the vegetation of the farmland in meters, if more than 5 % of the assessment area is concerned.
The display of the calculated results can be updated here after modifying the parameters.
Waste gas plume rise [m]
Display of the calculated value.
Minimum height from nomogram [m]
Display of the calculated value.
Stack height [m]
Display of the calculated value.
Display of the relevant material.