P&K TAL2K (TA Luft 2002 / AUSTAL)
New Version P&K AST

Time dependent emissions should be set in a timeline calculation, which is not possible when using an AKS. When using an AKS, situation-dependent parameters, whose values depend on the wind velocity and the stability class, can be entered here. The same parameters can be made situation-dependent, which may also be time-dependent, thus vq, sq, qq and the source strengths of individual materials.
Klug Manier Category
Here, the dispersion category can be selected.
Wind Speed Category
Here, the wind speed category can be selected.
Source Name / Component
The columns of the situation-dependent components of the sources. See for this the forms Sources and Substances as well as How to declare components as situation-dependent. These components can be edited also in a 6x9 raster, for this invoke the raster editor via the right mouse button.
See also: Operation within the tables and Alter Column Values