P&K 2714

Illustration of the propagation paths

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Illustration of the propagation paths

Illustration of the considered propagation paths between receiver and noise source. In case of free line of sight connection, only the path passing the closest diffraction edge is shown (not the direct connection).


Here under the source to be represented, the type of source and the representation color can be selected. For traffic sources, additionally the source segment to be examined and the color of the segment markings can be selected.

Receiver / Receptor point

Selection of the receiver to be examined and the receptor point color.


Selection of the illustration of the descriptors and the surface color.

Path over, path around and Refection

Illustration color of the paths.

Axis names

Selects the illustration of the descriptors X,Y and Z.


The diagram can be turned; therefore this mode is to be selected in the tool bar and the picture must be horizontally or perpendicularly dragged with a mouse button down. Additional 90° rotations can be selected under Rotation.


The diagram can be zoomed; therefore this mode must be selected in the tool bar and the mouse must be dragged inwards or outwards with a button down.


The diagram can be moved; therefore this mode must be selected in the tool bar and the mouse must be dragged with a button down in the desired direction.


With the button Print, a preview and setup dialog can be opened, in which printer settings and layout can be modified and the print can be initiated.

Copy and File export

With the button Copy or File export, the graphic can be copied to the clipboard or to a file. The graphic is then available to be pasted or imported into other windows programs. The graphic can be copied in different formats.


This button opens a dialog for the OpenGL settings and the activation. OpenGL is a 3D rendering system for surfaces. The OpenGL library ships with MS Windows 95 ... 2000. The driver for the graphic card is not always on the system. Mostly, a driver can be obtained from the card manufacturer or from www.opengl.org. If OpenGL isn't installed completely and an error occurs, it should be turned off.

see 6. Propagation path illustration