P&K 2714

Program introduction

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Dispersion calculations for noise according to the Guidelines
ISO 9613-2 (VDI 2714), VDI 2571, VDI 2720, RLS-90 and SCHALL 03

We offer a PC-program, P&K 2714, to carry out dispersion calculations for noise according to the following guidelines: VDI 2571 (Sound radiation from industrial buildings), VDI 2720 (Noise control by screening outdoors), ISO 9613-2 (VDI 2714) (Outdoor sound propagation), RLS-90 (Noise protection on streets) and SCHALL 03 (Sound emissions from railways).

The effects of any number of noise sources (facade, outside and line sources) to the surrounding area (more than 15,000 receptor points) can be determined for planning and consulting of sound-technical projects. The phenomena are reflection, distribution and diffraction on obstacles (maximal 1,000 rectangular objects) as well as on the ground are taken into account automatically. All calculations are executed in the octave band or with assessed levels. The Iso-lines diagram of the results is integrated within the program.

The program differentiates between facade, outside and line sources. The sound power for facade sources is determined by the internal level, the area and the facade material. For outside sources the capacity is defined directly. The noise emission of line sources is defined by the emission level (Lm,E). The source coordinates can be referred to one of the obstacles (building), though they can be moved with each other. Switches for source data allow the calculation of three variants (e.g. day level, night level and peak level) simultaneously. The result table demonstrates the sound pressure in the frequency band and the dominant source for each receptor point.

The calculation course enables detailed protocols and graphics of the sound course to be viewed, independent from the prognosis for selected sources and receptor points.

Noise spectra from technical data of the units (e.g. steam throughput and temperature for a steam valve) or emission level (Lm,E) according to RLS-90 and Schall 03 can be calculated by an integrated spectra generator.

In addition, the access to spectra catalogs for sound power, absorbing materials and hall internal levels are available.

The prognosticated noise level can be printed in different diagrams (colored raster, placed numbers or Iso-lines) to common printers as well as transferred to other programs.

At our website you can see the program documentation and samples as well as download a demo.

see Version Review