P&K 2714
Emission level according to RLS 90
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With the form RLS-90, an Octave band and an A-weighted emission level (Lm,E) are calculated according to "Richtlinie für den Lärmschutz an Straßen, August 1990".
Descriptor is a user defined text, which will be transfered, by pressing OK, together with the results into the appropriate tables.
Primary entries (generate the Calculation parameter)
DTV [Kfz/24h]
Average daily traffic volume.
Pkw-Speed (vPkw) [km/h]
Speed of passenger cars.
Road type
Choice of:
- Motorway / freeway at day
- Highway at day
- Set road at day
- Local road at day
- Motorway / freeway at night
- Highway at night
- Set road at night
- Local road at night
Lkw-Speed (vLkw) [km/h]
Speed of Trucks.
Road surface
Choice of:
- Mastic asphalt
- Concrete
- Even pavement
- Other pavement
Pitch attitude (g) [%]
Calculation parameter (Corrections)
Traffic volume (M) [Kfz/h]
Considerable hourly traffic volume.
Gradient (DStg) [dB[A]]
Correction for upward and downward gradients.
Lkw-share (p) [%]
Considerable truck share (over 2.8t admissible total weight)
Pkw-level (LPkw) [dB(A)]
Average level for Passenger cars.
Lkw-level (LLkw) [dB(A)]]
Average level for trucks.
Road surfaces (DStroO) [dB(A)]
Correction for varying road surfaces.
Relative spectrum [dB]
Maximum speeds (Dv) [dB(A)]
Correction for different speeds.