P&K 3782
Calculation model data
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Calculation according to
Dispersion calculations according to
When calculating according VDI 3782 part 1 / 2001, the 9 TA Luft wind velocity categories are taken into account, as well as a new parameter set for 180 instead of 150 Meters in the dispersion parameter calculation (F, f, G, g).
Calculation accuracy
These settings influence the calculation accuracy and therefore the calculation time and the needed disk space. (more)
Store vertical distribution
Characteristics for receptor points of different heights or graphical cross-sections through the waste gas plume are possible with stored vertical distribution only. (more)
Rise according to VDI 3784 part 2 {With the option cooling tower only}
The calculation of the plume rise will be performed with the Model
Use Alternative Dispersion Parameter
Dispersion parameter deviating from the guideline can be used. The accompanying form can be opened with this button. Parameters will appear on the print-out of characteristics calculations. (more)
Anemometer height [m]
The anemometer height is to be entered between 3 m and 50 m. The knowledge of the anemometer height (in rare cases deviating from 10 m) is required for the correlation between the vertical wind profile and a wind velocity class. For very low sources VDI 3782 defines a constant wind velocity from a height of 10m. As within the context of
Receptor point height [m]
Set the receptor point height between 0 m and 100 m. For a certain receptor point height, concentrations are always entered. If a concentration array without vertical distribution is calculated, the receptor point height is the only available height during the characteristic calculation (usually the receptor point height is 1.5 m). (more)
Calculation for dispersion category
The concentration area calculation can be limited to a dispersion category. Therefore the calculation of the characteristic statistic is also limited to this category. (more)
Calculation of wind velocity (1-9 and for VDI 3782 part 1 1992, 1-15)
The concentration area calculation can be limited to a wind velocity category. Therefore the calculation of the characteristic statistic is also limited to this category. (more)
Inversion heights
Inversion height values can be entered between 250 and 1500. Dispersion calculations according to