P&K 3950

Program Version Review

Product has been archived / Produkt wurde archiviert

Version (2012-07-12)

Version (2010-10-15)

Version (2008-08-27)

Version (2008-08-01)

Version (2008-03-22)

Version (2008-01-04)

Version (2005-07-21)

Version (2004-02-14)

Version (2004-01-27)

Version (2003-09-05)

Version (2003-06-14)

Version 3.6/Windows (2003-02-16)

Version 3.5/Windows (2002-02-25)

Main program

New Document for a quick start "Getting Started".

New Front Page Layout for quick access of documents and language settings.

New StyleSheet, Page-Break and Graphic Size features are to be found in Standard settings form.

XY-Axis setting, when reading old data files are corrected.

Table forms have been enhanced with Sort, Export/Import and Filter functions.

A calculator can be invoked on right mouse button click in certain data fields.

A short cut to the Graphic Export dialog has been introduced in the menu item "Edit". More formats are made available

Line attributes like color and line type can be set, by clicking on a line in the graph.

Content Changes are marked with a red vertical bar on the right side of such a document.

Version (January 30, 2001)

Main program

Get Averages and Ps in the form "Calculation of standard state / state of operation" didn't set one flag and therefore a newly calculated result was disregarded on OK. On changes in other fields (e.g. P, T), this flag was properly set and data properly transferred .

The buttons f(PTFO2) in the formular "Characteristics / Limits" didn't function any more after causing an input error in above entry fields.

Version (November 23, 2000)

Main program

Problems with falsely entered serial numbers fixed.

Version 3.4/Windows (6/15/2000)

New columns have been added in the form Measured values. These columns were introduced to make the data table (report) LAI-conform. These are columns for date, begin and end of the sampling and the duration, as well as some more columns for the flexible use for further measured values.

All value columns are calculable via user defined expressions. Expressions can be defined in the form Column settings.

For the data table, a separate header and footer can be defined in the form Measured values.

The graphic resolution of the print out can be increased with a factor, which can be set on report output.

Version 3.3/Windows (06/03/2000)

The report has a new table which contains detailed information about the limits or characteristics.

The form measured values contains now one more column for the pressure at the sampling location. This Value is also taken into account, when calculating standard state or state of operation and in the average calculation. The title of this column must be corrected manually for existing data. Entering of negative numbers don't generate a beep anymore.

The graphic is now generated as GIF-format and is therefore of higher quality.

O2 reference will not be disabled when f(Cn,P,T,F) is selected to allow entry of data for use in the form characteristics.

There are two new values in p&k.ini to control the size of the program's main window and hereby the size of the graphic. E.g. width=600 height=400 sets the windows size to 600 x 400 pixels.

The 4 most recently used projects are listed for quick access in the file menu.

Version 3.2/Windows (05/22/2000)

The form measured values has been cleaned. Column settings like title, unit etc. are now in a new form and for all columns adjustable. The new form Column settings can be opened with a right mouse button click into the column's header. The output of columns can be controlled with this form.
A Problem with the output of decimal digits has been solved with this.

Data sets assigned to the first or last symbol (square) are not taken into account of the calculation of the P,T,F and O2 average values.

Print preview in the file menu.

Graphic legend is now more compact and more flexible. The Equation is stated in the legend now.

Graphic resolution is considered now and the illustration of intersections are more independent of it.

The program has been secured with a serial number, with it, the origin of a program can be traced.

The automatic pop up of the log on changes can now be controlled in the form Standard values .

A new form "Layout" has been made available in the menu bar (not in demo version). The settings in this form are not supported by us and are not stored. This form is meant for final detailing only.

Symbol descriptors are now read before the data.

Calculation of standard state / state of operation: The O2 part is now disabled when not needed. The calculation from standard state to standard state at reference O2 is now possible.

Version 3.1/Windows

Full Windows support with appropriate intuitive operation. You no longer need to learn any code numbers for program control. You can select, from easily understandable lists, which variant the program is supposed to calculate. Now with more attractive lists and graphics, which can be printed to standard Windows printers or inserted via the clipboard to other programs. Also graphics can be zoomed or moved.

The program was created for you to be operated as easy and fast as possible. Therefore several tool were integrated. In the input tables one can move columns, so you can feed the data in the same order in accordance with your presentation. In addition you can determine when to append a new line. So you don't need to use the cursor controls unnecessarily to skip columns. Besides you can duplicate data sets and modify the status over a range of several data sets.

The program is present in German and English.

There are new value columns. A third one, which can be selected as X or Y-axis or can be determined from the new columns for pressure, temperature, dampness or O2-content. You can select if the the result are calculated as standard state or state of operation.

The limit values can be calculated from the standard state or state of operation, though you can carry out the conversion not just by a factor, but also by pressure, temperature, dampness and O2-content. For pressure, temperature, dampness and O2-content the program can determine the average values from the input data.

As well as the well-known logs, there is a new report function, which produces the graphic and the individual tables in the order desired. The reports are produced in HTML-format and left in the data directory for your disposal. Of course, these documents can be modified with almost every text processing program.

Version 2 (DOS)

The program carries out a regression calculation according to the guidelines VDI 3950 part 1 and VDI 2066. Besides linear and square functions, also logarithmic and exponential functions are determined.

An outliers test according to Grubbs (VDI 2449), independent of the regression calculation, and a significance test are integrated.

Parameters, like statistical certainty are variable and therefore calculations according to the guideline VDI 2066 (dust measurements) are possible.

Pairs of values can be deactivated or commented on. They are managed in ASCII files and can be imported easily from those.

As described in the guidelines (as the regression formula y'=f(x) will be selected ), the square formula will be tested, if it is significantly better than the formula of the first degree.

The coefficients determined by the program can be replaced with own coefficients. Coefficients can be tested on a user defined basis, e.g. how numbers are rounded or a physical dependency. All characteristic values are derived from the users' coefficients. In addition, the function, determined by the program, can be displayed.

In a query block, characteristically values on the curves can be recalled, e.g. entering the X-value to receive the Y-values on all curves, or, any Y-value to receive all other values.